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SMILE LASIK is the next-generation in vision correction surgery, but there are people who still choose LASIK or LASEK as the right treatment choice for their corneal condition.

For the quickest recovery of eyesight, we recommend LASIK. If there is very little corneal clearance, or if the cornea has scratches or turbidity, we recommend LASEK.

What is LASIK?

LASIK uses a laser to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism. In LASIK surgery, a flap is created on the corneal surface and precise and controlled removal of the stromal layer of the corneal tissue by a special laser, called an excimer laser, reshapes the cornea to adjust its focusing power.

LASIK is a relatively painless and quick operation which results in rapid recovery of visual accuracy allowing you to return to daily life the day after surgery.

New Visu LASIK

All LASIK surgery at NUNEVIT Eye Center is performed using the best available femtosecond laser which is called Visumax.

What makes Visumax so good?

Three-Dimensional Corneal Cutting for uniform corneal flap formation

Instead of using flat planar applanation, Visumax uses curved contact glass to create a more three-dimensional corneal flap with less deformation of the central cornea.

Minimized increase in intraocular pressure during surgery

Instead of pressing the conjunctiva, only the cornea is fixed at a low pressure which reduces irritation and means less risk of conjunctival hemorrhage and dry eye syndrome.

Patient can maintain visual field during surgery

VisuMax laser is extremely advanced because the patient is able to self-center their eye on the fixation target. Because the contact lens and the fixation target are coaxial the surgical site is able to be perfectly centered.

Low stimulus energy, minimum size laser beam

VisuMax’s lasers use low stimulus energy which is less than 200 nJ and the laser irradiation interval is less than 3.0 μm. This makes the corneal section smoother and minimizes damage to corneal tissue.

Ultra-thin LASIK

VisuMax leaves the most residual cornea

Only VisuMax can achieve these results!

New VisionMax can make the corneal flap thinner and more uniform, which means that it leaves more residual cornea than other LASIK equipment, and reduces the risk and severity of dry eye syndrome. If you do not have much corneal clearance you may first consider LASEK instead of LASIK. However, if the recovery period associated with LASEK seems too long, there is an alternative: ultra-thin LASIK.

What is LASEK?

LASEK eye surgery is used to treat astigmatism, nearsightedness, or farsightedness. Unlike LASIK, which relies on a corneal flap, for LASEK the surgeon will peel off the outer layer (“epithelium”) of the cornea and reshape the mid-layer (stroma) underneath.

Once done, the epithelium will be replaced to protect the eye while it heals. A LASEK patient will experience slower recovery of vision and more initial discomfort compared to LASIK, but this procedure has the advantage of leaving more residual cornea and less dry eye symptoms.


Minimal post-operative LASEK pain

At NUNEVIT Eye Center we have excellent know-how and years of experience to make sure our patients experience minimal post-operative pain. Our LASEK patients are prescribed post-operative anti-inflammatory analgesic medication, cooling therapy, granular therapy lens, and P-LASEK.

All LASEK uses an anti-scarring agent called Mitomycin

Haze formation with loss of corneal transparency and surface irregularities are the major complications after corneal refractive surface surgery. We use precisely diluted mitomycin (MMC), because its antibiotic and anti-neoplastic properties have been proven to effective and safe for preventing normal corneal cell damage and reducing scarring after surgery.

P (Prime) LASEK

Comfortable LASEK recovery

Conventional LASEK is known to have an uncomfortable recovery period because the procedure strips the corneal epithelium and only covers it with a protective lens. To minimize discomfort, in P LASEK the corneal epithelium is preserved and replaced at the last stage of the surgery. A protective lens is then worn to reduce the exposure of the actual cornea and decrease post-operative pain.

Custom Q LASEK

The golden standard LASEK

Custom Q LASEK delivers the world's fastest ablation times and customized treatment to every patient. It uses EX500 which has less corneal ablation per unit and preserves the form of the original cornea. The difference between the center of the pupil and the apex of the cornea is closely tracked which increases the accuracy of laser. All of this minimizes the risk of myopia and reduces spread of light even if the pupil is large.

  • Minimum corneal ablations per unit dose

  • Widest range within FDA approvals (myopia -12, astigmatism -6 diopters).

  • Real-time cyclotorsion tracking: optimized astigmatism correction

  • Fastest 1050 Hz 6-dimensional eye tracking system

  • Minimized light smear with wide laser irradiation area

  • Excellent for decentralization and correction of myopia

  • Customized Q operation for individual Q values

All Laser LASEK

Convenient LASEK

The All Laser LASEK procedure uses lasers throughout-- from the removal of the corneal epithelium, to the removal of the corneal stroma--  to minimize the amount of corneal epithelium shaved off. An All-Laser LASEK process means less pain and faster recovery. However, since laser irradiation is automated and assumes that corneal epithelium thickness is the same for every patient, All Laser LASEK is only suitable if you have average corneal epithelium thickness.


LASEK with Faster Recovery

Personalized platelet-rich plasma (PRP) eye drops, made from the patient’s own blood products, support quick wound healing and suppress inflammation after LASEK.

The drops are rich in nutrients such as growth factors and vitamin A to promote cell proliferation and tissue formation, and are especially helpful in wound healing after LASEK surgery.


More Stable LASEK

Corneal collagen cross-linking is a method for promoting extra corneal stiffening of the collagen fibers in the cornea using riboflavin (vitamin B2) and ultraviolet (UV-A). LASEK and collagen cross-linking can be performed at the same time to improve the stability of the cornea. This approach is recommended if you have corneal ectasia disorders (corneal thinning) or after LASIK.


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